- The Artist-Gardener's Practical Handbook -
Volume I: How to start cultivating worlds
TOSTES, Joana. “Practical Manual of the Artist-Gardener — Volume I: How to start cultivating worlds”. Rio de Janeiro, 2023. Course Conclusion Work (Graduation in Visual Arts with Emphasis in Sculpture) – School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2021.
Based on Joana Amora's artistic production and philosophical research, carried out during the period in which she was a graduate student at the Visual Arts course EBA / UFRJ, the course conclusion work presents, through poetry and experimental writing, reflections on how to better cultivate life — as if it were a garden. An investigation that plays with the boundaries between reality and imagination, between inside and outside, between the whole and its part, between the huge and the tiny. By presenting the practices that Joana applies in her research and also in life, premises of posture towards the world are established. The following
monograph appropriates her artist's book project, The Practical Manual of the Artist-Gardener and develops
its first volume of four practices to start cultivating worlds.
Keywords: contemporary art, ecology, learning, gardening, life, life’s philosophy.